Things To Do

Butterfly World

In the mid-’80s, a local butterfly enthusiast founded a butterfly breeding and distribution company. More than three decades later, that company morphed into what’s now Butterfly World—the largest facility of its kind in the world.
Florida’s warm, moist climate is perfect for many exotic species of butterfly; for those traveling with animal-loving children, stopping by and checking them out is a must. 
There are 20,000 butterflies from all over the globe at Butterfly World, and from my experience you should come on a hot and sunny day when these insect residents are at their most animated
No less spectacular are the three walk-through bird aviaries, where you can purchase nectar for a small fee and interact with the lorikeets. 
Daily and seasonal passes are available, and the facility includes indoor exhibits and outdoor areas to explore as well.
They often offer coupons on their website, so take a look before heading out.