Things To Do

Sirenia Vista Park

Perhaps one of Florida’s greatest animal icons, the mellow, blimp-like manatee is a welcome sight in the state’s waters.
And no trip to the area would be complete without a sightseeing trip to catch a glimpse of these delightful mammals as they go about their daily routines.
Fortunately, Cape Coral offers a great place to look for them: Sirenia Vista Park.
Located on the waterway, this 8-acre space is also good for birdwatching and kayaking. But it’s the chance to spot some sea cows that really makes it stand out.
Thanks to the sheltered canal and an abundance of available food, this is a favorite spot for the local manatees to congregate.
Take a stroll down the paths and stop at the viewing areas for a chance to see the creatures in action as they float and feed in the crystalline waters.
Manatees are considered endangered, so don’t miss a chance to see a healthy, happy population in the wild.
Although there’s decent viewing all year round, your odds are particularly good in winter, when vast herds migrate south from chillier climates.
As an added bonus for birders, the park has several nesting houses for purple martins. Keep your eye out for some hatchlings!